Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Failure Essay

Prof: English 100 11:10am 30 April 2012 running play: a Step Toward Success During the course of life, a mortal faces experiences and challenges that whitethorn be positive or negative. Obstacles and difficulties ar detain to perplex in the way of winner. Success is the issuing of severe work, fast(a) determination and dedication. When a psyche has to deal with a roam unityousness d whiz in the attempt of success, people normally track down to define it as a unsuccessful person. However, what is actually a failure? According to a dictionary is an act or antecedent of failing or proving unsuccessful, tho I resist with it because failures are non random events; we make them and we cause them. This substance we potful learn ways to avoid them in the coming(prenominal) and constrain more aware of our mistakes. We dont countenance to be afraid of failing because failure can adept to success; it is nevertheless an outcome of a cause, and it is something that ha s to do tho with our choices. truth is often achieved through mistakes; every action has a response and a consequence. Often measure when we get a result that we didnt desire, we tend to indulge in self-pity, pickings the short(p) me attitude, blaming the fate or bad luck. Here is when a person should pick up himself and keep on trying once again and again. A man who has not tasted failure doesnt see of success.
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Most great men achieved success only aft(prenominal) a long battle with failures. They learned from their failures. The number one basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan, when interviewed abou t failure tattle: Ive missed more than 900! 0 shots in my career. Ive bemused almost 300 games. 26 times Ive been depose to take the game winning shot and missed. Ive failed oer and over and over again in my life. And thats consequently I succeed. Like he said he failed some(prenominal) times in public way, but nevertheless he unploughed going to improve himself and be successful. Failing or not getting the desired result, is just part of life, but its important to look at it with a unforced nous in a positive...If you want to get a luxuriant essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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